Allocations & Unlock Schedule

Ownership, Distribution & Vesting of the ERC-20 token


OWNED will be unlocked in a pre-determined schedule, with about 90% of the tokens coming into circulation at the end of 6 years (from 1st March 2022).

The total supply of OWNED tokens will never exceed 20,000,000,000 tokens. The supply will be deflationary in nature.

Unlock Schedule

Below is the unlock schedule for the OWNED token

Some important points on the unlock schedule are:

  • Play to Earn and Staking Reward tokens will be issued as reducing supply at a rate of 0.08% daily of the remaining supply.

  • Some of the tokens in the treasury might be used for burning, hence, reducing the total supply of the OWNED token.

  • A detailed plan for Treasury Management will be released in Q2 2022.

Last updated